Sunday, May 2, 2010


There, I've taken it. It's mine now. Or at least that's how it would seem in my house. To say the word "God" is an offence against the silver medal of commandments, "You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not acquit anyone who misuses his name." To make as simple a play of words as here would equate sacrilege. My mother's already picked out the torn rags in which they will stone me in. The name of God is not the word God. "God Damn It!" or "God Forbid!" are just as valid forms of observing the 2nd Commandment as saying the "Lord's Prayer" or "God Willing." The problem is the context which is association, that you can ask God to use his power of Judgment, but how is this any different than a prayer of petition.

It's as if everyone has lost the meaning of their religion these days. I had to explain to a Jewish girl that prophets were unequal to messiahs. She told me that Jews don't believe in prophets and they are still waiting for one to come. I had to tell her, "No that's wrong. That's not what you believe."

Jesus had seen a religion that had stagnated. Judaism was isolated. The "God of Israel" was not a "God for All." Jesus broke the walls of worship by expressing values of missionary work and brotherly love. Treat all equal and show them the best way to do the same.

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